metal shed

One Way to Nowhere

Mrs. Marcy, the neighbor from upstairs, said she saw you the other night, shivering behind the Greyhound Bus Station. I went to look for myself. There was an old man warming his hands over a burning garbage can. I asked if he’d seen a brown eyed girl with a missing pinkie finger. He didn’t answer, just blew on his hands and stared into the flame.
When we were kids, you talked about living like a hobo, living in train cars, basements and abandoned buildings. You weren’t scared, not even then.
I told you that was ok––I could be scared for both of us.

  • Kim Vinogradov

    Who was the man behind the greyhound station? Was it you the brown eyes girl to see if he recognized you?

    October 21, 2017at1:22 pm
  • Mary izzo

    I especially loved and related to this. As a kid, I lived in a small railroad town and remember seeing men warming their hands over smoking barrel.

    October 21, 2017at11:36 pm

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