Venture Onward in 2022!
At the beginning of every year, I pick a word that I want to subscribe to. An anchor word, a mantra to keep me on track, and keep me focused. This year I picked the word VENTURE. As in venture on, venture upward, and venture
At the beginning of every year, I pick a word that I want to subscribe to. An anchor word, a mantra to keep me on track, and keep me focused. This year I picked the word VENTURE. As in venture on, venture upward, and venture
Ready or not, 2021 is here! I don't know about you, but I managed to find some downtime, eat too much food that was definitely not on a diet plan, and visit with family via video chat. December was also a month of finishing up projects
The temperature dips as the black-haired realtor leads us down the stairs. “Be careful,” she says, hanging on the rail. “The wood steps are a little slippery. And don’t mind the smell.” She tosses a look over her shoulder, her next words sharp with glee, “I