once upon a time...

Postcard-sized flash fiction about the things we think we know about life, alien invasions, and everything in between. And it all starts with an image...

In the Blue of the Sky

I heard screams from the other end of Center Street as I pedaled my bike away from the flying black disks that had appeared over the city in the early hours of the morning. People crowded into streets, patios, and rooftop restaurants, filming and texting images of the large ships hovering over them.
And me? I packed light. A small backpack stuffed with a solar radio and flashlight and the portable camping gear I stashed for such an occasion as this. So while my coworkers and neighbors flocked to see the alien city in the sky, I put as much space as I could between them and my back tire.
But no matter how fast I pushed my legs, how many curbs I jumped or deserted neighborhoods I rode through, I couldn’t outrun the dying cries of a city torn out by its roots and flung against the mountains.
And now, as I think back, I’d say the strangest thing about that day was how blue the sky was just minutes before darkness covered me. I swear it was the bluest I had ever seen.

Postcard-sized flash fiction about the things we think we know about others, life, alien abduction, and everything in between. And it all starts with an image...

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graphic of the word Courage

Word of the Year-2025

For my 2025 word of the year, I chose COURAGE. I know, it’s not the most original pick—but hear me out. Something about courage stuck with me this time, especially after watching a documentary on The Tragically Hip. For those unfamiliar, they’re kind of a Canadian thing. A band that

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White barn with stormy background

Hinterland is Real

They say seeing is believing. I didn’t know what that meant until that night. I was coming home late, later than I should, and I knew I was going to catch heck. Momma didn’t even pretend to be patient when me or my sister wasn’t home in time for dinner.

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Postcard-sized flash fiction about the things we think we know about others, life, death, and everything in between. And it all starts with an image...

Deadly Mist

The mist crept closer, slithering across the boot prints she left behind on the soft, moist ground. She urged her legs to go faster over the uneven path. A leafless tree grabbed at the flying strands of her long silver hair as she ran past. They hung like shiny tinsel

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